Thursday, September 4, 2008

Re: Registering for Pygame

Kannappa, what would be your prefered id? deshkanna?

v4vijayakumar: Goats-and-Tigers is getting introduced through:
We can work on that as well.

I justed started with getting some idea of pygames. I have the initial screens
ready. I shall post the code and screen-shot next. Which will give the idea of
what our game is going to be.

PyWeek, however goes like this:
1) Register as a team. (I shall do, once I get Kannapan's id).
- Team Name (v4vijayakumar and deshkanna to choose)
- Game Name (Phoe6 suggests: "Who Slides Wins!")
- Description (Phoe6)
- Team members

2) Then we vote for the themes.
- Login to the PyWeek website and look at the themes in the bottom
right hand side corner and cast your votes from (1-5).
- Keep in mind to vote something that will enable us to go for our idea
of game.
- If some other idea wins, then we adopt our game accordingly or go for
a new game.

Till then let us experiment and play with pygame.

IMPORTANT: While doing reply-all (encourage), please remove email ids and
remove the previous email quotes completely, as we have set to blog our
coversation at

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